Application questions
Applicants are expected to complete the form and upload their CV in one session.
We recommend reviewing the questions and updating your CV before starting the application.
Step 1 — About You
- Email Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Mailing Address
- Date and Year of Birth
- Citizenship
- Country of Residence
- LinkedIn and other personal social media channels
- What are your preferred pronouns?
- Academic Degree(s)
- What other Fellowships or programs, if any, are you currently participating in? Which ones, if any, have you participated in the past.
- Please attach your CV.
- How did you hear about GFiC?
Step 2 — About your Organization
- What is the name of your organization?
- Please share your organization’s website and social media presence.
- What is your role at the organization?
- Please tell us about your work as a social entrepreneur. How long have you been doing this work? Please share more about your organization’s mission, vision, programs and impact.
- Tell us about some of the key challenges and opportunities your organization is currently facing.
- Where do you see yourself and your organization in five years? Ten years?
Step 3 — Fellowship Project
- Each Fellows is expected to work on a specific project/initiative throughout the duration of the Fellowship. This could be a new organization, a new program, a fundraising plan, a new approach to tracking impact etc. Please describe a project you would like to work on during the Fellowship?
- Coaching and advising is an important part of the Fellowship. What type of support would be helpful in making progress on your Fellowship project?
Step 4 — Your Fellowship Participation
- Can you commit to attending two 3-hour zoom sessions each month? Sessions will be held on the first and third Tuesday or Wednesday of each month, 8-11 am EST.
- Can you commit to 2-3 hours of pre-work prior to each session?
- Can you commit to meeting with your coach for at least 2 hours each month?