Application questions

Applicants are expected to complete the form and upload their CV in one session.
We recommend reviewing the questions and updating your CV before starting the application.

Step 1 — About You

  1. Email Address
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Phone Number
  5. Mailing Address
  6. Date and Year of Birth
  7. Citizenship
  8. Country of Residence
  9. LinkedIn and other personal social media channels
  10. What are your preferred pronouns?
  11. Academic Degree(s)
  12. What other Fellowships or programs, if any, are you currently participating in? Which ones, if any, have you participated in the past.
  13. Please attach your CV.
  14. How did you hear about GFiC?

Step 2 — About your Organization

  1. What is the name of your organization?  
  2. Please share your organization’s website and social media presence.  
  3. What is your role at the organization?
  4. Please tell us about your work as a social entrepreneur. How long have you been doing this work?   Please share more about your organization’s mission, vision, programs and impact.  
  5. Tell us about some of the key challenges and opportunities your organization is currently facing.  
  6. Where do you see yourself and your organization in five years?  Ten years?

Step 3 — Fellowship Project

  1. Each Fellows is expected to work on a specific project/initiative throughout the duration of the Fellowship. This could be a new organization, a new program, a fundraising plan, a new approach to tracking impact etc. Please describe a project you would like to work on during the Fellowship?  

  2. Coaching and advising is an important part of the Fellowship. What type of support would be helpful in making progress on your Fellowship project?

Step 4 — Your Fellowship Participation

  1. Can you commit to attending two 3-hour zoom sessions each month? Sessions will be held on the first and third Tuesday or Wednesday of each month, 8-11 am EST.  

  2. Can you commit to 2-3 hours of pre-work prior to each session?

  3. Can you commit to meeting with your coach for at least 2 hours each month?